Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Too Little Sleep

Reagan has completed his first two days in a public school after four years of homeschooling.  He's having a wonderful time, and so far I'm pleased with what he's doing inside and outside of the classroom.

At home, things have been well.  Piper and I have been able to complete her days lessons within two hours and then we have the rest of the day to work around the house, read books, play, and enjoy the other kids.  Then Reagan gets home in the afternoon and we have a snack and enjoy family time.

My only problem has been a touch of insomnia that has prevented me from sleeping more than four hours the last two nights.  That's bad because too little sleep makes me feel anxious.  And fatigue makes me introspective, but not in a good way.  I think perhaps a nice bath is in order this evening.  Then an early bedtime.  You see, there is so much to write about, but my sleep deprived brain just won't work with me!

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