Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Day Of Rest

For Christians, Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. That's hard for me to remember considering I work every other weekend. Sunday is a workday for me half the time. Come to think of it, I think Sunday is a work day for every mom, regardless of whether or not she goes to a job outside of the home.

Wouldn't it be great if, for one day of the week, no diapers needed to be changed, no meals needed to be made, no one bickered, and we moms could lounge about reading books and doing what ever it was that made us happy? But then again, taking care of my family does make me happy. It just doesn't make me rested.

It's Father's Day today, it's been a long day, I've been in a fairly tough battle with my stinking depression lately, and I thought maybe I'd have a day of rest from blogging. But then, when I thought about it, I realized the point of this blog post. There is no day of rest for moms!

But we don't have to be overwhelmed. After all, we're not in this all by ourselves.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
Psalm 91:1

Maybe it's simplistic, but then again, maybe sometimes the best answers are. Because there's not going to be a magic gadget that comes out tomorrow and makes this job easy. So, we find joy in doing it, even when it's hard, and we rest in the faith that we don't go it alone. God walks with us and gives us rest.

May we all remember to show our wonderful husbands how much we appreciate them on this day. Because without them, this whole mom gig would be 1000 times harder. And not nearly as much fun.


  1. You said there's no day of rest for moms. That's right, and the sick benefits are also sorely lacking! I will uphold you in prayer, because I know your back must be hurting; your children don't stop having needs during this time, and you really could use some angels running interference for you right now, as well as the peace that passes understanding.

  2. psalms 91

    It speaks to me so vividly these day

    it's the verse that i am holding near to my heart through this trial.

    And here it shows up, through

    I love God's ways


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