Monday, June 01, 2009

Not Me Monday!

It's the beginning of another school week, and I'm still being kicked around by this nasty cold. Of course, I never get paranoid about my own health and did not sit in bed with a stethoscope last night trying to determine if what I was hearing was crackles or just bronchial congestion. After all, I'd never never try to diagnose myself. Nope. Not me!

Despite having had many pregnancies including this one, my body is still (thankfully) in perfect working order. Gravity and childbirth have not gone to work on me. So, I did not have to start wearing pads this week as I realized that coughing and peeing don't just go hand-in-hand for elderly women. Nope. Not me! That would be downright embarrassing!

I did not take a two-hour afternoon nap every day this week while letting my girls explore the backyard as "nature study" time. Nope. Not me! Who could be that tired? Besides, there's too much to do.

Best of all, being sick has not completely thrown off my priorities. For example, I didn't stay up way too late several nights hoping for my medicine to kick in and trying to beat my own score playing Farkle on Facebook. Nope. Not me! I know I need my rest when I'm sick.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama.
You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. My last pregnancy I peed on myself every single day. The joys of pregnancy.

  2. oh my goodness, sorry to hear about your,ahem, problem!

    Hope you are finally on the mend from that darn bug!

    Hey, goin' over to grab your button.


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