Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We All Have Days,,,

We all have days like Becky, of Golden Acorn Homeschool where each thing that needs to be done necessitates doing something else entirely. In fact, if there were an Oh-my-gosh-I've-totally-had-that-day-and-wish-I-could-have-written-a-funny-blog-post-about-it award, it would go to her. Seriously, I love you for that post, Becky!

We all have days like Gina, of Eight Is Enough when we think we've griped too much and wished people knew how much we were not super-mom. And I'm guessing most of us have had a day like mine where hormones suddenly gripped us and we became a raving lunatic. Well, maybe raving is too strong a word. Unpleasant lunatic? I'll have to think about that one.

I commented on Gina's blog that she's really the exact kind of mom I want to hear about. I want to hear that I'm not the only one who struggles as a parent. I want to know about other people having a day where it takes five hours to vacuum the living room, or they end up having to spend the day cleaning up after sick kids. I want to know about the other people who've had good days and bad days and are willing to share them with me.

If there is some mom out there who is homeschooling her six kids, working outside the home, working inside the home, doesn't have a maid, and is always smiling and wonderful, I don't want to know about her. She obviously is using some kind of voodoo magic to give herself more hours in the day, or has pharmaceutical help. And if that's not true, I don't want to know that either!

I want to know about the real moms and wives who struggle to find out how to do this right and are willing to share what they've learned. That's what inspires me. That's what gives me the sense that I'm not in this alone, and that I can do it. That's what gives me a sense of community and connection.

So please, if you're not the perfect mom, if you're not the perfect wife, if you have days where you end up falling into bed exhausted and grateful you made it, please, pull up a chair, grab some coffee and hang out. You're my kind of people.


  1. LOL on the pic!!!

    By the way, great comment you left on my blog! It made "comment alert!" :)

  2. I am definitely one of those moms who is constantly screwing up.

  3. Thanks, Sarah Mae!

    Me, too, Kimberly. Me, too.


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