Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Not Me Monday!

This has been a really long week. Seriously, if I don't have to repeat this week again, ever, I'll be just fine with that. What this week has been good for is a Not Me! Monday post.

This week my children have not eaten more take-out and convenience food than real home-cooked meals. I would not stuff them full of crud simply because I'm too sick to cook. Nope! Not me.

I have not let the television babysit my girls every afternoon so that I could attempt to take a nap. Nope! Not me. I've of course had wonderful activities on hand to keep them occupied while I got much needed rest.

I have also not locked my door during naptime to avoid dealing with petty squabbles among my children. Nope! Not me. I've been available at all times to untangle every she-hit-me argument to be had. And there have been so many.

Lastly, I have not spent these days in bed catching up on episodes of The Closer (for a Southern California I-miss-home fix), and other T.V. shows I watch. Nope! Not me. Down time is spent doing important things like thinking of new ways to end poverty and world hunger. Uh huh. I'm stickin' with that answer! It sounds so much better.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. I LOVE the closer. WE're doing a TV-Free July, but I've made the closer my exception. LOL I can't help myself

  2. Bless your heart! I hope you are feeling better now...are you?


  3. Ahahaha!! At least you still have your sense of humor!! Hang in there~ Blessings Heather;-)

  4. Three words for this hilarious NOT ME Monday:

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!


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