Monday, November 30, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Not Me Monday!

I'm going to do something a little different for this Not Me! Monday post. I'm going to chuck it. To be honest, I'm feeling kind of discouraged and I don't have the fortitude to pick out the funny things that have happened over the last week, though I'm sure they're there.

So, this week, I'm not going to forget to be grateful every single day for a husband who loves me and six healthy, happy children. Not Me! I'm going to remember what a blessing they are.

And I'm not going to worry about Christmas. Not Me! It's a time to celebrate the gift of our Savior, and I'm going to focus on the real meaning of the season and not the consumerist crud that my kids see on T.V.

I'm not going to worry about the things going wrong, the car needing fixed (again), or how to make all the ends meet. Not Me! I'm going to have faith that God will somehow help us all work it out.

This week I'm going to give thanks when I feel overwhelmed, count my blessings, and try to keep a positive attitude.

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