Friday, November 27, 2009



This year I had an amazing Thanksgiving gift. My parents flew out for the week from California. It was so nice having them here. My dad had come out in October, but this was my mom's first visit since Brennan was born. She decided the baby is gorgeous, but I think that's a requirement of being a grandparent.

So, this week I've been cooking, hanging out with my parents, and preparing for Thanksgiving. I love Target. They provided a package deal with Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry walnut relish, green bean casserole, pie, and coffee. I didn't cook their Turkey because I ordered too late and it didn't have time to thaw. Instead I cooked a butterball turkey that I'd bought earlier. It was a very good Turkey. Now I have what I need to make turkey and dumplings. And I still have a whole turkey in the freezer for some other time.

Today was the last day before my parents go home. So, we went shopping. Frankly, I'd never leave the house on Black Friday if at all possible. But it turns out that it's Quinn's birthday tomorrow and if we wanted my parents to celebrate with us, we had to do it today. So, we went and picked him up cake and a couple of presents. Thankfully it wasn't too bad.

On the diet front, the weight seems to be melting off with the whole diet-and-exercise approach. Who knew that would work so well? But I never should have weighed myself after Thanksgiving dinner. Too much salty food and not enough water means too much water weight. Eek!

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