Monday, January 25, 2010

School Keeps Trucking


If there's one thing I fight as a constant, it's burn-out. I never wanted my kids to get sick of traditional schooling. I also don't want them to get sick of homeschooling. I don't want to get sick of it either. But sometimes I do.

So here are my quick ideas for combating burn-out:
  • Take a day off and go outside for a day of nature study or fun.
  • Try a schedule that has four weeks on of school and then 1 week off for field trips and such. It gives you something to work for and look forward to.
  • Have the kids pick a book or a game and do that.
  • Change something in your curriculum to get you excited about trying something new.
  • Call a homeschooling friend for a sympathetic ear. We've all been there.
  • Take a nap.
  • Take a week and let the kids study something that really interests them.
  • Spend an afternoon watching a movie.
Anyone else have good ideas to keep motivated?


  1. Thanks for this! I'm right there with you. I was just thinking about how nothing is ever done and no matter how hard I try, I seem to always be "behind."

    Sorry if I sound negative (I have my moments).

    The ideas you have here are some of the ones I live by and some are new things that I hadn't thought about, but I will try!

    Thanks again!

  2. Taking naps sounds like a wonderful idea to me...not just for kids and school, but for life in general!!! ;-)

    I was thinking about you today...glad to see your blog post!

  3. THIS is just what I needed to hear! :) Great encouragement.


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