Monday, February 15, 2010

A Busy Mom's Valentine's Day

The day promised to be busy from moment one.  You see, six years ago, on February the fourteenth, 2004, an amazing thing happened to us.  We became parents to our beautiful, talented, and big-hearted little girl, Bridget.  

So Valentine's Day around here is a big thing.  It's not just a day of love but also a birthday.  And when you're six, birthday's are huge.  Especially if you're trying really hard to catch up with older brothers and sisters (especially sisters).

So, I started the day with a dash to Target to buy birthday/Valentine's Day cupcakes and cinnamon rolls for breakfast (per the Birthday Girl's request).  Then I had to get ready for the day, which involved much primping with my little prima dona's aka Piper and Bridget.

At snacktime we had cupcakes and let Bridget open her presents.  Then we put the littlest munchkins down for naps and got to get out for lunch.  Which was pretty awesome.  Dominic and I don't get to eat by ourselves that often, let alone at an actual restaurant, with silverware.  Not only that, but I'm pretty sure our waiter was Wolverine.

Anywho, in the afternoon I dyed my hair red as a gift for Dominic.  I like it, but it's not as red as I was hoping for.  It never is when I try to dye it.  Good thing he's happy with it.

Before I knew it, it was time for my date with the prettiest girls in my house.  In honor of Bridget's birthday, we went to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner.  And then they got to each pick out a new outfit for their Build-A-Bear Workshop friends who, aren't actually bears, but cats!  My favorite quote from the evening was from Piper.  After we told our server that it was Bridget's birthday, she looked up at her and said, "But I'm still older, and taller."  Yeah, good to know, Piper.

A great time was had by all.  But of course the end of the day left with more chores than I could get done and the perfect end?  A really badly clogged toilet.  As I mentioned in my last post I was in my pajamas at Walgreens at 11 pm buying a new plunger which did not work, at all.  This morning I bought an auger at Home Depot which did the trick.  But it wasn't exactly a stellar end to what was otherwise, a pretty good day.

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