Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Time For Tea


I love tea. I sometimes seem to drink it by the boatload. I have found a favorite place to buy loose leaf teas and all I really still needed was the perfect to go cup. Well, I think I've found it.

The Aladdin tea infuser cup is BPA free to start. Nice to know I'm not ingesting harmful chemicals. It's microwave safe and it's dishwasher safe. I love that I now have a cup that I can throw in the dishwasher instead of tediously washing it by hand. But the best part is: it's basket, pulls up into the lid! You put your loose leaf tea (or bag, I suppose) into the basket, fill it up with water, and lower the basket in. When you're done, lift the lever to draw the basket up and go!  Other cups I've had, needed the basket removed before you could drink the tea. Then you needed to find a place to put it. That's a little inconvenient if I'm out somewhere or in the car.

The basket is a little small, so the tea leaves can't open as much as they could in a larger one. But it still brews really good tea, and it's worth it to have a basket that retracts like this one does. For the coffee drinkers, it also brews coarsely ground coffee.

For anyone interested, there's a link in the "I Recommend" widget on the right.  I was not paid or given anything to plug this product. I don't often plug products, and I only do if I actually like them.

I'm all about the little things that make my life as a busy and often overwhelmed mom, easier. And a good cup of tea that's convenient and simple, does just that. Now I'm going to finish my cup of Moon Over Madagascar and try to get some sleep!

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