Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's the Best Day Ever!

Anyone who has kids who love Spongebob, this may have put the "Best Day Ever" song in your head.  Consider it my way of sharing since Ciaran has taken to suddenly bursting into super loud Spongebob laughing for no apparent reason.  You're welcome!

So, today was the Best Day Ever.  Which sounds kind of odd considering that I started it off in a very official looking suite that said Neurosurgeon on the door.  Nothing like talking about brain surgery for your unborn baby to start your day.  But, seriously, since for the last week I've had quotes like this rattling around in my brain:
The location of the encephalocele greatly impacts the prognosis. Those located in the front, have a 100 percent survival rate, while those located in the back have a 55 percent survival rate.
Source Bolding Mine.  
I've been kind of permanently freaked out.  It's scary, right?  So, I read and I read, and after that I blogged and read some more, all waiting for today.  Dr. N. came and got us from the waiting room.  We were booked before his first appointment, Bless Him.  And he took us back to the hall where Liam's MRI images were displayed.  Basically he told us that the 'Cele is made up primarily of fluid and meninges.  It can be repaired within 48 hours of birth, and that it won't be an emergency.  This is not a death sentence for our baby!  It's not the sunshine and roses we had planned (or should I say diapers and burpies?) but it's life, and I'm over-the-moon happy about it.  I go back and forth between wanting to do a happy dance, and wanting to cry happy tears.  I'm pregnant, what can I say?

Maybe now I can try to get back to enjoying this pregnancy the way I did before and making plans for this baby to come home to his family like he's supposed to.  Have I mentioned his middle name?  It's Boromir, yes from Lord of the Rings (we're a geeky family, remember) but in the books he was Boromir the strong.  Feels like a good fit for our fighter.

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  1. Oh Anne, I'm so happy for you. You've been on my heart the last couple of days. I'm so glad to hear this wonderful news.

  2. Thank you, Miranda. We're pretty excited about it, too. =)

  3. Yippy! I have been pryaing and praying for Liam! Thank God for this amazing news Anne!!!! I am rejoicing with you! - Sunshine

  4. Oh, I am SO happy to read this update! I found your blog through your SE sig and have been thinking about you since I first saw the news about Liam the other day. What wonderful news!!!

  5. You never cease to amaze me with the strength you have Anne. I wanna be you when I grow up


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