Monday, December 01, 2014

Dear Quinn...

Dear Quinn,

You turned 7 a few days ago.  That seems a little crazy, to be honest. It doesn't seem like that long ago that you came into the world, 5 weeks before your due date, anxious to meet us.

You've grown up so fast.

You're smart, and funny. You want to be responsible and take care of people. But you're not above making trouble with your brothers in the hopes that having accomplices will decrease the chances of getting in trouble.

Word to the wise there, kiddo, your partners in crime give you up every time. So, maybe you should stop that. It's really not working out for you very well.

I love that you still come home in the afternoon and give me hugs and tell me that you love me. I'd love it if you never stop doing that.

You're a really good kid.

Every day now will bring you closer to age 8. But I want you to enjoy every single day of being 7. You only get to do this once, you know.

I want you to know that I like you. I don't just love you, I like you. You make me laugh. You have a kind heart and the courage to stand up for what you believe in.

As you grow, you're going to have some pressure to like certain people, and not like others. Or be nicer to some people than to others. It's going to be hard to be true to yourself and do what you know is right, But you can do it. I believe in you, and will always be here to support you.

I want you to know that, being popular isn't that important. It isn't important how well you play baseball, or how cool you are.

What is important, is the person you are inside. Lots of things, like how popular you are, will change. But if you're a good person, that will be yours forever.

I want you to know that all you ever have to be for me, is Quinn. I will love you every day for the rest of my life, just because you're you. And I hope that you will keep being the best Quinn you can be, knowing that I'm proud of you.

Happy Birthday, Quinners.

Sometimes every kid needs a post that's just for them.
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