Sunday, April 04, 2004

My First Confession

I'm officially joining the Catholic Church next Saturday, so yesterday I had to make my first confession. I was so nervous. I spent 20 minutes beforehand going over everything I'd ever done wrong. Long forgotten nights of Disney-drunkeness washed over me as I kept reminding myself that I didn't have to tell him every last sin I'd ever commited. So, finally it was my turn. I went inside and knealt down in front of the lattice screen and started...

Turned out it wasn't so bad. I spoke way too fast and poured out a quick life story then waited for the response. Father spoke of forgiving myself and the mystery of God's forgiveness. My penance was to read the 23rd Psalm (like I don't have that memorized) and I left feeling truly refreshed. With a good Priest I can understand why some Catholics love confession so much.

In a side note, Bridget also experienced confession as she was sleeping contentedly in her new pouch. Did I mention that I love it?

Edited Note: Okay, it's not that I was reminding myself that I didn't have to tell him every sin as much as I was reminding myself that I didn't have to remember every sin I'd ever committed.  If I'd done that I would have had to pack a lunch!

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