Thursday, May 20, 2004

Homeschool Support

I get a lot of questions from non-homeschooling parents about how I do it. Well, I have to say one of the most important aspects in my mind is the support group.

This morning we met with our group for a playdate. Not only did this give Reagan and Piper a chance for social interaction, but it gave me a chance to enjoy the company of others as well. The kids have been working on a play version of the book "Stone Soup" and seem to be having a really good time. When there are social issues that need to be addressed with the kids, we parents are RIGHT THERE to remind our children to share, be gentle, use nice words and give them the tools they need to not just socialize, but socialize properly. The can't give kids that kind of supervision in school.

Any parent who is even considering homeschooling should begin looking into joining a support group. In this day and age with the internet and all, the support group is at the click of a button. There are so many! My only suggestion is to know what you want in your group. If you're looking for a group that does a lot of field trips, playdates, uses the same curriculum you do, or has a lot of educational outings, you need to know that.

While it is easy to overbook your kids when you homeschool, sometimes it can be difficult to get in the social time you need as a parent. It has certainly been an issue for me since Bridget's birth in February. A support group is going to help counter that with social time for you. A chance to talk to other parents, find out about curricula, and share fears. On-line groups are great, too. I belong to a couple and when I have a question I know someone somewhere will have an answer. I don't know how homeschooling parents did it before the age of home computers.

And to the amazing women in my support group, THANK YOU! It was you who brought food when I was on bedrest and supported me when I first brought Bridget home. It is you who let me know I'm not as crazy as I think I am and that I'm doing a good job. You are awesome women, and I am blessed to know you!

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