Saturday, May 22, 2004

A Friend In Need

When my sister married three months to the day after Dominic and I, I envisioned years of raising kids, barbeque's, glasses of wine. As we got older I imagined vacations, graduations, and all of the other things families can do together. My sister and I are close, and our husbands got along so well. Yesterday the dream crashed when I learned that he had succumbed to cancer.

I'm angry with cancer, and I'm a little angry with him for leaving my sister. I'm worried about her. I'm frustrated that I'm 2,000 miles away and can't get to her immediately. I'm scared that maybe she won't talk to me when I see her. So, I have a lot of emotions fighting with one another. And I didn't just lose my husband.

So, with all of this going on along with my post-partum, I was feeling pretty cruddy this morning. The phone rang, and a dear old friend was on the other end. I have been friends with him and his wife for over 11 years. I was there when their twins were born. They're both very special. Anyway, I told him what was going on and he told me that I needed a friend, and should come and let him in. Huh? They live in California! I'm in Minnesota! But he was here, in the lobby, waiting to be let in.

I was in total shock. He and his wife have been reading my blog and thought I sounded depressed and in need of a bit of cheering. They couldn't have been more right. And he couldn't have picked a better day. Providence, I tell you! So, he hopped on a plane and came out for the day. I'm still stunned. We spent time with the kids, went to the Mall of America, had dinner, it was so nice. When I'm depressed I tend toward negative thoughts about myself. It's much harder to entertain those when you have a friend who will fly 2,000 miles to make sure you're okay. It was just what I needed. In the meantime I can only hope that my sister has someone to give her a little peace right now. May everyone keep her in their prayers.

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