Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Family Prayer

Wow, what a response to my Quiverfull post. You Quiverfull moms are great. I'm going to keep looking into this. Perhaps it's my ignorance, or my stubbornness, but I'm not totally there yet. I'm really thinking and praying about it, though.

I worked yesterday morning, my last training day. Now I'm free to work in the facility unsupervised. Scary, huh? The more I do this job, the more I love it. I know that God has a place for me in my home with my children, and I have no desire to change that. But I also believe that he has given me a gift in being able to help people. Our elderly are pretty much the forgotten needy, and I truly believe my nursing is my ministry. I think I would have to do it even if they didn't pay me. Getting the help for our family finances while doing something I feel very strongly about is wonderful though. And when I came home Dominic had had a wonderful day with the kids. It's good for Daddy to have time with them too.

We've been saying the rosary together nightly as a family. Reagan makes his first communion this year, so I want him to learn. More than that I want family prayer to be a priority. We take one mystery per night, one decade of the rosary. We talk about the mystery, where it comes from in the bible, what we can learn from it. Then we go through the prayers. Just, instead of doing five decades we only do one. That way the kids get used to the feel, the cadence, the mysteries, but aren't overwhelmed. Karina wants a rosary, but she thinks she should leave it at our house. I guess her mom isn't fond of Catholics. Whatever! I'm going to get some plastic beaded rosaries for each of the kids and a sturdy one with great big beads for Piper. That way she'll feel more included. Everyone really likes it. Maybe it's just praying as a family that they like, but I'll take it.

So, I guess we're Catholic-izing Karina while she's here. While part of me hopes she'll fall in love with the church the way I did, I'm mostly hoping she won't walk away with some of the misconceptions that many of our Protestant brothers and sisters have. I'll settle for that.

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