Friday, July 02, 2004

A Fun Sunday

We had such a good time today.  Reagan and Karina went with friends this afternoon to go see the new Superman movie.  Daddy was feeling a bit under the weather so he got some much needed rest.  The little ones and I went to another friends house and then out to hear a concert by the Teddy Bear Band!

The band was great.  They've been playing together for kids for about 21 years!  We sat outside, ate dinner, and danced together.  Well, as long as we could keep their attention.  I think we adults might have danced more than the kids.  But the kids still had a good time.  I think we'll have to go see them again.  You can't beat a free concert, after all.  Especially one where the kids are so involved!

In other news the mice still haven't taken to the traps.  But I hesitate to call management at the moment.  They have bigger fish to fry.  There was a fire in another building that gutted a portion of the building, and has left a number of families homeless for the foreseeable future.  Please see the link for information on donating to the Red Cross, if you can help. 

And, on a more personal note, I've been working really hard on a family website, hosted by googlepages.  You'll notice the link to it at the top of my gutter.  Please, come and visit, and come often as I'm busy adding to it and changing things around.  And be sure to sign our guestbook if you do.

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