Friday, August 13, 2004

The Pearls

While I appriciate a lot of the advice (not all) contained in To Train Up A Child, I will admit that the Pearls may be so far to the right as to jump completely off the chart. Their website, No Greater Joy has articles from their magazine. Amongst them, I found this quote:

None of my daughters or their husbands asked the state of Tennessee for permission to marry. They did not yoke themselves to government. It was a personal, private covenant, binding them together forever—until death. So when the sodomites have come to share in the state marriage licenses, which will eventually be the law, James and Shoshanna will not be in league with those perverts. And, while I am on the subject, there will come a time when faithful Christians will either revoke their state marriage licenses and establish an exclusively one man-one woman covenant of marriage, or, they will forfeit the sanctity of their covenant by being unequally yoked together with perverts. The sooner there is such a movement, the sooner we will have a voice in government. Some of you attorneys and statesmen reading this should get together and come up with an approach that will have credibility and help to impact the political process. Please contact me when you do and I will assist with publicity.

Um, I don't consider myself to be "yoked to the government". Whether or not homosexuals are allowed to marry, I will not give up on our country by bowing out of the legal marriage process. As someone who believes homosexuality is a sexual sin, I was truly offended by the language used. And if I chose to keep my state marriage licence after homosexuals are given the right to marry, will I no longer be a "faithful Christian"? I respectfully submit that it would be a matter of the Pearls opinion, and not scriptural fact.

While I believe the Pearls have some good advice, and some good ideas, they aren't right about everything. I encourage anyone who follows their parenting plans to continue to read and "test everything" as the bible recommends. I truly believe I can take the good from the Pearl's books and leave the parts I'm less comfortable with.

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