Sunday, October 01, 2006


My blogging has taken a dramatic downturn in frequency.  It's not that there isn't a whole lot going on in our lives.  Quite the opposite, actually.  The problem is generally condensing my thoughts enough to type them out and have others understand them.

I've been generally unmotivated to try to narrow down the focus of my mind.

I've been reading about vaccination, homeopathy, and gentle parenting.

I've been working quite a bit.

I've been watching House of Babies about a birth center in Florida that I'm in love with and so is Piper.

I'm still unpacking the new house.

I'm trying to level up my character in World of Warcraft.

Reagan and I are plowing through schoolwork.

And I'm trying to get enough rest, which is really difficult.

Also, my best friend gave birth prematurely about a week ago to a beautiful baby girl that I'm going to visit this week.

On top of that, all the kids have had a nasty cold that I've been treating with herbal remedies and homeopathy.

I'm feeling a bit lost under the flood of activities and my blogging has suffered as a result.

I'll write more when I can.

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