Monday, August 13, 2007

A Good Day

Piper started school after breakfast this morning.  We got started a little later than I'd like, but I think in a family that's just going to be the case from time to time.  It's more important to me to take a little extra time enjoying each other over breakfast than it is to start school at the same time every day.

Piper was great, today.  She's so proud of the progress that she's made in just the first week that it's just shining in her.  She's anxious to show off her page of written letter A's, and to give answers that she's learned to questions about God.  And she rushes to the couch to read another chapter in "The House at Pooh Corner" and have her reading lesson.  

Yesterday she was bringing me two Blockbuster giftcards and insisting that they were our movie tickets.  So as a reward for her hard work in her first week of official homeschooling I took her to see Ratatouille this afternoon, just the two of us.  It was much cuter than I anticipated, and I enjoyed it.  But more than the movie, I enjoyed  seeing her reactions and excitement.  She had her popcorn, she sat on the edge of her seat, and she laughed out loud.  She loved it.  And I loved having that time, just with her.

Tonight is family night, and as I write this I'm sitting in the playroom on the couch, me at one end, and Dominic at the other.  Between us sit the girls, cuddling, and Reagan is lying on the floor at our feet (in his new pajamas that he really likes).   Bridge to Terabithia is on the DVD player and Reagan is anxious to see how closely it follows the book.  

It's days like this that I relish.  I'm reminded of how much I have to be thankful for and how many blessings we've been given.  There's nothing better than cuddling together as a family, safe inside, watching the rain come through... 

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