Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Rain Made It All Better

Last night I went to bed frustrated with the kids and myself and feeling somewhat defeated by my day. I got in bed, curled up with my new pillow and tried to put some distance between my mind and the day. Some time during the night, a thunderstorm moved in and I awoke just before 3 AM to the sound of the rain and the flash of lightning outside the window.

Just after 3 AM Bridget made her way downstairs and into my room. She crawled in bed with me, where she felt safe and secure, and easily drifted back to sleep. Several times during the night she woke me, but it was because she'd moved in to be close, or wanted to touch my face. I'd wake up, see her sweet face, and smile.

This morning the kids were sweet. They weren't bickering with each other or giving me a hard time. Being with them was easy, and enjoyable. So, of course, I had to leave and go to work. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I went to work. One of my patients passed away, and I was happy to be there to help the family. But it makes it so much harder to leave when the kids are being so precious. Bridget even asked if she could come with me.

I guess that's the way of motherhood. One day you're certain that they come out cute and cuddly just to trick you into keeping them, and then the next day you remember why you started down this path in the first place.

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