Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Not Me Monday!

Getting by when your week is totally insane is something we mothers manage to do all the time. Sometimes, just barely, but we do it! This week for me, has been just another in the life...

I did not spend 30 minutes on the floor looking for a tiny baby tooth only to turn around and look my five year old in the eyes and promise that I would e-mail the tooth fairy. Nope. Not me! I would never be capable of such creative duplicity in the face of five year old tears.

I also did not have a complete meltdown while helping my children clean up the playroom, only to start writing it down and realize that my hormones were at it again and I'd completely over reacted. Nope. Not me! I'd never let something so crazy as pregnancy interfere with my rational judgment.

I also did not have a conversation this evening with my angelic children that involved phrases like, "It's never okay to bite your brother's finger, no matter what annoying thing he's doing to you on purpose." and "Reagan, quit being a turd!" Nope. Not me! I'd never get that annoyed. And my children certainly didn't think that reaction from me was so funny that they dissolved into peals of laughter, argument totally forgotten.

I did not decide that I needed a big cup of tea only to forget that it was steeping until it was horribly undrinkable. Nope. Not me! I'm not scatterbrained like that at all.

Maybe tonight I need a latte.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. Just make sure it's a decaf latte. You need to sleep tonight!

    I loved your Not Me's....your kids (and your reactions to them) are hilarious!


  2. E-mailing the tooth fairy - brilliant! :-)


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