Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wanna Try Cloth Diapering? It's A Giveaway!

When Bridget was a baby, I discovered cloth diapers. At first it was a way to save money. They I found a whole slew of reasons why cloth diapering rocks. If you've been afraid to try it, let me tell you, they're not your Grandma's cloth diapers anymore! It's not all pins and folding these days. Today's diapers are very cool. They're soft, easy to use, easy to launder, adorable, affordable (especially when compared to the cost of disposables over the years you use them), better for the environment, better for babies skin (especially sensitive babies), and so on and so forth.

Honestly I could go on and on about my love for cloth. I started with cotton prefolds and covers, which were still a big jump from the way my mom had done diapering. Then I moved on to fitted diapers and covers. After that I discovered pocket diapers, which have an insert and an outside and go on just like a disposable. Then I found one-size diapers. They're where it's at, in my opinion.

So, I've decided to share with you my favorite one-size cloth diaper. The Rocky Mountain Diaper. They're my favorite for a number of reasons. My babies start out small, and RMD's can fit babies as small as five pounds. Then they can go up to about 30 pounds. That's going to give you 2-3 years in one diaper and you can use the same diaper for kids of different ages and sizes.

Quinn in a Rocky Mountain Diaper

They adjust in the legs, which means no exposed snaps on the front. It also allows for you to get just the right fit.

They fasten around with snaps as opposed to velcro. I have a stash of one-size diapers that fasten with velcro and I found that they broke down over time and I was always picking lint out of them. Snaps are much better, in my opinion.

Look how cute he is in cloth!

The inside layer is suedecloth which is really soft and keeps baby dry, the insert is highly absorbent microfiber and they come in tons of cute colors.


As my old one-size diapers give out, I've been replacing them with RMD's. I found this great site that gives free shipping on orders over $50 and free inserts.

Of course, now you're going to ask me about how I launder them, right?
Because isnt' that the big scary for those who don't cloth diaper? Here's the skinny: I use a hanging diaper pail, which is a cloth diaper bag that goes around a doorknob. With pocket dipes, you pretty much shake off into the toilet anything that will shake off (or grab some tissue and peel it off, breast milk poop doesn't need any removal at all, just dissolves in the wash) take out the insert and put it in the bag.

If you're worried about smell, my favorite detergent company, Jenny's Simply Clean (owned and operated by a stay-at-home-mom) makes a great pail freshener. Just sprinkle a little in after a stinky diaper and it all smells great. It was the first product I'd ever found that allowed us to keep the hanging diaper pail in our room. I LOVE it.

Then, we wash every 2-3 days with Jenny's Simply Clean detergent (it's totally safe for cloth diapers, I just use a little scoop in each cycle). With cloth diapers you do a cold wash to prevent stains from setting then a hot wash to clean and deodorize and you never use much detergent. Too much detergent coats them and affects absorbency. The great thing about the diaper bag is it goes in the wash too, so you never have to touch nasty diapers. Then you can dry them in the dryer or on the line and viola! You have a pile of clean fresh diapers.

Since I love cloth diapers, I really wanted to give someone a chance to try them.

So, thanks to Tracie of Rocky Mountain Diapers I'm giving away a free diaper in whatever color combo the winner likes!

But there's more!

Since I love Jenny's Simply Clean so much, they're also helping me out by letting me give away a package of their diaper freshener in whatever scent you choose!

Jenny's Simply Clean is a great product with tons of great scents. See this post for why I love them, and their website for all the details, info, and scents.

So, here are the ways to enter! Each is worth an entry. Leave a seperate comment for each:

1) Leave me a comment telling me which color combo you like, and what scent you'd like to try from Jenny's Simply Clean.

2) Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with a link.

3) Tweet or mention this giveaway on Facebook and let me know about it.

I'll close the giveaway Sunday at midnight and announce the winner Monday. Good luck!


  1. Just facebooked the link! Off to Tweet, and here is my comment. Maybe I will even start a blog to help my chances, lol! I SO want to win this!!!

  2. I Love the Berry and Lime color, and any scent pail freshener sounds good! Knowing Fenway will be in diapers for awhile, I have looked into cloth, and this just may be the jump start I needed!!!
    Link to facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=597328063&ref=nf#/RedSoxFanInOC?ref=profile
    Link to Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedSoxFan33
    Link to blog: http://redsoxmommyx5.blogspot.com/

    Thanks for doing this, Anne!!!

  3. great giveaway!
    Id like the mango-limes diaper and baby bee butter milk from jenny's simply clean

  4. here is my twitter post:

  5. I'm going with berry and lime-love that combo, and scent wise, good ole' fashioned vanilla!

  6. I just posted on Facebook. Hopefully my CD friends will get in on the action.

    Thanks for doing this.

    Here is a link to my wall:

  7. Don't enter me - I have no more babies and panic at the idea of it. I have 3 children, but I wish I had paid better attention to cloth diapers when they were babies. I think that would make a huge difference - to the landfill and to the pocketbook! Thanks for sharing! You have a lovely (growing) family :-)


  8. What an awesome giveaway! With #4 still in daipers and #5 on the way, winning these would be wonderful!! If I won I would pick the Berry and Lemons Rocky Mtn diaper and the Monkey Farts diaper freshener!

  9. Please enter me - my little one could use a new diaper and I could use the freshener! If I won I would pick Iced and Lemons and Peppermint.
    megansaunier (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. wow-the world of cloth diapering is so big and exciting! i've never heard of rocky mountain diapers, but they look great-love the lime & lemon combo!
    and thanks for the Jenny's Simply Clean recommendation...i've had a big fear that if I make the switch completely, our house will just reek or i'll be doing laundry every other hour!

  11. I would love a berry's and lime rmd and valencia jenny's simply clean refreshener. I love that jenny's came about because of her son's eczema. Eczema is the reason my son is in cloth diaper, well the primary reason:)
    Jennifer Hamilton

  12. I posted this giveawy on my Facebook wall!!
    Jennifer Hamilton


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