Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Knitting Muse


Knitting is addictive. This is my very first sweater. I knitted it on size 8 needles and using Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran yarn. I'm becoming kind of a yarn snob. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it does have to feel nice.

The thing about the sweater is that you have to sew all the pieces together. I got much better by the second sleeve. I also realized after looking at this picture, that I didn't make the neck hole small enough, so after I took it off of Brennan, I sewed it up a bit.

He wore his new sweater all day today. It's so soft!

I've become a knitting fiend. It's something to do with my hands. Something I can do while hanging out with the kids. And it makes me feel so productive. With each project, I get better at it. I'm knitting a baby hat right now, and then I'll be knitting Brennan a blanket. After that, I plan on making this sweater again, but in a larger size.

He's such a sweet boy, all smiles and giggles and sweet baby noises. I love making things for him.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Yay for knitting! I can't wait until I am all done painting so I can knit again.


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