Friday, July 30, 2004

Answered Prayers

Thank you, thank you to everyone who has prayed for my mother. She has come home after her mastectomy and is doing well. The initial pathology reporst show her lymph nodes as being cancer free, and she did beautifully during the surgery. Cancer has reared it's ugly head a bit too much in my family recently, and I think we deserve a vacation.

Step-parent adoption has been on my mind more and more lately. Dominic and Reagan are so close, and we have such a great family. I want him to be completely a part of this family. Not only that, but I want Dominic to have the rights as a father, not just the responsibility. Reagan allready considers Dominic to be his dad. I'd love to make it legal. So far it seems the only possibilities are J. agreeing to give up his parental rights or taking him to court to show that parental neglect. Please pray for us that we are given clarity on this issue and that our family is worked out according to God's plan for us. I am forever grateful that God has given us this family and if it's never made legal, I still have nothing to complain about.

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