Monday, June 04, 2007

Happy Birthday Piper!

Happy fifth birthday, Piper.  I had planned on keeping journals for each of my children, writing in them on special occasions.  But as the number of children has increased, I've gotten worse at it.  The real scoop on our lives, is here in this sporadic blog.

Right now, you are everything five.  Your are drama and "No fair!", you are ballet and the color pink, you are about best friends and trying to convince us to buy you a kitten.   You are such fun to watch as you learn how to negotiate, how to talk to your parents and your siblings, as you learn to communicate in a way that is more little girl, and less preschooler.

I am so proud of you, Piper.  You are becoming a thoughtful and beautiful little girl.  I am proud to be your mommy every day.  I am so grateful that five years ago today, God brought you into our lives and gave us the honor of caring for you.  You make the day better, just by being in it.  

We love you more than words can say.  Happy Birthday to our precious girl 

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