Sunday, October 07, 2007

How To Homeschool While Irritable

For me, the answer to this question has been, don't.

I haven't been feeling well the last few days. Add to that some pregnancy hormones and generalized irritability and I'm a bit cranky. I actually haven't been doing schoolwork with Piper because I don't think I have the patience for it.

This could be a moment for me to drop into my usual guilt, thinking that I'm inadequate as a mother and a teacher for my children. Or it could be a chance to withdraw and do nothing while I feel sorry for myself.

This time, however, I've decided to do something different. I am aware that I can't control the feelings. I can, however, control my actions. So, I've decided to take this time and use it to reflect on where I am and where God wants me to be. I have decided to focus some time on His Word and in prayer in the hopes that this may be one of those times that He tames my stubborn spirit and uses my foul mood to bring about some necessary change in me. Instead of self-pity, I will attempt introspection and do my best to be silent and listen to God.

Please keep me in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, this is how I've been feeling today, and a lot of days. Thank you for sharing it. :)


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