Friday, June 05, 2009

My Husband Rocks!

To have a good husband is to have a great gift. I spoke to a newlywed yesterday and loved being able to impart a few things I've learned. You know, like the first year is the hardest since you're learning how to communicate with one another and how to live together. It made me wonder what I'll know about marriage in another 10 years.

One of the things I love about my husband is his compassion. Now, don't get me wrong. My wonderful husband is a lot like Red Foreman from That 70s Show. A curmudgeon who's not sure he likes people all that much. But he's a total sucker for families, and especially children. Nothing melts his heart faster than kids. And they don't have to be his own.

This past week at work, he was given the opportunity to help a father get home quickly as his baby had just passed away. My husband was the go-to-guy, and made sure that this man was able to get home to his wife and family to grieve his loss. Dominic never thought twice about it. He just wanted to help.

My husband isn't afraid to give anything and everything he has, if he thinks it will help. He probably doesn't see what I see, but when I look at him I see incredible kindness and a fierce and loyal love that I am able to trust in daily. Once again, I know that he was given to me by God, because I could never have chosen so well for myself.

1 comment:

  1. I have chill from reading that last sentence...what a beautiful and true thought. God is so good to us. He gave us amazing men!

    Am working my way through your posts... Glad you found something to help you get some sleep!

    I have just read you comment on my last post and your response touched me. It is so true. You put it perfectly. You totally got me...understood.

    Thank you friend for your kindness and support. I am glad that this blogging world has brought us together!


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