Saturday, October 02, 2010


I'm a terrible blogger, I know. Sometimes I get on a roll. Then other times, life gets in the way and I'm so busy actually living, I forget to write about it. I know most of my readers are fine with that, but it's kinda sad for me. This blog has been a record of our family life since 2002, and it's a great way for me to remember things I'd otherwise forget.

But lately, everything has changed. This year marked the end of our homeschooling. At least formal homeschooling. I think every parent teaches their children. Reagan, Piper, Bridget, and Ciaran are all going to public school. While I was sad to see it end, I have to say, it's been wonderful, too. My day has become so much more structured with regards to the younger kids. Ciaran and Quinn especially. I know have time to do more with them and they love it. My house also looks much better. Not only do I have more time to clean it, but the kids aren't coming behind me and messing it up.

I thought I might miss them during the day, but now I have what I call my "Golden Hour" which is usually about 2 hours long, really. It's when Ciaran goes to school in the afternoon, Quinn and Brennan take a nap, and the house goes quiet. It's the most beautiful time in my whole day, and it's over way too fast.

On a more mundane note, my dryer is broken. Doing laundry for 8 people with no dryer, just blows.

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  1. Getting to spend a little time away from the kids just makes you all the more able to appreciate them! I know that having mine in school makes me a better mother.

  2. I lost a lot of sleep over whether to sign my oldest up for public school. Read a lot of blogs that made me feel like a crappy mom and Christian for not homeschooling. But my husband insisted. And now let me say this - the two hours I have when my son and daughter (K and pre-K) are both in school and the baby naps may be the thing that keeps me from locking myself in the laundry room with a bottle of wine and earplugs at noon. And I also don't think Jesus has a problem with it. Glad you have a Golden Hour.

  3. A mother to child/children relationship is very important because all of the times every child needs the comfort of a mother rather than to his/her father...just keep in touch to your children...God Bless....keep on posting..


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